Letters from Sofia #1: Your Way Into The Light

Letters from Sofia #1: Your Way Into The Light

Trauma robs our nervous system from a sense of self, agency, and capacity to be at ease with what is. We don’t feel at home in our bodies and minds. Quite the opposite is true–our bodies and minds become home to the most violent of battlegrounds. At our best, we’re simply sidestepping our inner landmines through useful distractions on the “outside.” At our worst, we’re playing hopscotch with our landmines, exploding into a million fragmented pieces, rupturing even deeper our relationships (whether to ourselves or our loved ones). We have spiraled downward into the chaos of our Unique Underworld and fallen asleep to the true essence of Being. We are in the dark, cold and untethered. There is hope. There is a way into the light…